Lilypond in Markdown

This markdown

{% lilypond 'inline', 'preview', '0.7 in' %}
\relative c'' {
g8 e \tuplet 3/2 { f[ a c] } e d a b c4
{% endlilypond %}

renders to this. 😮

The lilypond must be enclosed in Nunjucks tags.

{% lilypond 'inline'|'img', 'preview'|'full', 'height' %}
% lilypond markup ...
{% endlilypond %}

Here is a longer example. Notice how the 2nd parameter is marked ‘full’. Lilypond will then render the image to the height specified in the 3rd parameter. If marked ‘preview’ the height parameter will be ignored.

{% lilypond 'inline', 'full', '2.3 in' %}
\relative c' {
c1 f c c \break
f f c c \break
g' f c c
{% endlilypond %}

Instead of ‘inline’ for the first parameter, you could put ‘external’ and the svg would be referenced from a file and not inlined into the html document.


And some Chopin for good measure. 😉

The previous example was really long.

 rhMusic = \relative c'' {
\new Voice {
r2 c4.\( g8 |
\once \override Tie.staff-position = #3.5
bes1~ |
\bar "||"
\time 6/4
bes2.^\markup { \bold "Moderato" } r8
% Start polyphonic section of four voices
{ c,8 d fis bes a } % continuation of main voice
\new Voice {
% Reposition the c2 to the right of the merged note
\once \override NoteColumn.force-hshift = #1.0
% Move the c2 out of the main note column
% so the merge will work
\new Voice {
% Stem on the d2 must be down to permit merging
% Stem on the d2 should be invisible
\tweak Stem.transparent ##t
\new Voice {
s4 fis4.
>> |
g2.\) % continuation of main voice

lhMusic = \relative c' {
r2 <c g ees>2( |
<d g, d>1)\arpeggio |
r2. d,,4 r4 r |

\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "RH" <<
\key g \minor
\new Staff = "LH" <<
\key g \minor
\clef "bass"

Some vocals

global = { \key f \major \time 6/8 \partial 8 }

SopOneMusic = \relative c'' {
c8 | c8([ bes)] a a([ g)] f | f'4. b, | c4.~ c4
SopOneLyrics = \lyricmode {
Let | flee -- cy flocks the | hills a -- dorn, __
SopTwoMusic = \relative c' {
r8 | r4. r4 c8 | a'8([ g)] f f([ e)] d | e8([ d)] c bes'
SopTwoLyrics = \lyricmode {
Let | flee -- cy flocks the | hills a -- dorn,

\score {
\new ChoirStaff <<
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "SopOne" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "SopOne" {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "SopTwo" {
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "SopTwo" {

An Orchestra Score

LyrLyr8AhLyrAlto IIAlto ISopranoPianoPercussionTrumpet in CHorn in FClarinet in BFluteDouble BassCelloViolaViolin IIViolin ITenoricsahicsics8
#(set-global-staff-size 17)
\paper {
indent = 3.0\cm % space for instrumentName
short-indent = 1.5\cm % space for shortInstrumentName

fluteMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
% Pitches as written on a manuscript for Clarinet in A
% are transposed to concert pitch.
clarinetMusic = \transpose c' a
\relative c'' { \key bes \major bes1 d }
trumpetMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b }
% Key signature is often omitted for horns
hornMusic = \transpose c' f
\relative c { d'1 fis }
percussionMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g1 b }
sopranoMusic = \relative c'' { \key g \major g'1 b }
sopranoLyrics = \lyricmode { Lyr -- ics }
altoIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
altoIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
altoILyrics = \sopranoLyrics
altoIILyrics = \lyricmode { Ah -- ah }
tenorMusic = \relative c' { \clef "treble_8" \key g \major g1 b }
tenorLyrics = \sopranoLyrics
pianoRHMusic = \relative c { \key g \major g''1 b }
pianoLHMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b }
violinIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
violinIIMusic = \relative c' { \key g \major g'1 b }
violaMusic = \relative c { \clef alto \key g \major g'1 b }
celloMusic = \relative c { \clef bass \key g \major g1 b }
bassMusic = \relative c { \clef "bass_8" \key g \major g,1 b }

\score {
\new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_woodwinds" <<
\new Staff = "Staff_flute" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Flute"
% shortInstrumentName, midiInstrument, etc.
% may be set here as well
\new Staff = "Staff_clarinet" {
\set Staff.instrumentName =
\markup { \concat { "Clarinet in B" \flat } }
% Declare that written Middle C in the music
% to follow sounds a concert B flat, for
% output using sounded pitches such as MIDI.
\transposition bes
% Print music for a B-flat clarinet
\transpose bes c' \clarinetMusic
\new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_brass" <<
\new Staff = "Staff_hornI" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Horn in F"
\transposition f
\transpose f c' \hornMusic
\new Staff = "Staff_trumpet" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Trumpet in C"
\new RhythmicStaff = "RhythmicStaff_percussion" <<
\set RhythmicStaff.instrumentName = #"Percussion"
\new PianoStaff <<
\set PianoStaff.instrumentName = #"Piano"
\new Staff { \pianoRHMusic }
\new Staff { \pianoLHMusic }
\new ChoirStaff = "ChoirStaff_choir" <<
\new Staff = "Staff_soprano" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Soprano"
\new Voice = "soprano"
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "soprano" { \sopranoLyrics }
\new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_altos"
\with { \accepts Lyrics } <<
\new Staff = "Staff_altoI" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto I"
\new Voice = "altoI"
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altoI" { \altoILyrics }
\new Staff = "Staff_altoII" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Alto II"
\new Voice = "altoII"
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "altoII" { \altoIILyrics }
\new Staff = "Staff_tenor" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Tenor"
\new Voice = "tenor"
\new Lyrics \lyricsto "tenor" { \tenorLyrics }
\new StaffGroup = "StaffGroup_strings" <<
\new GrandStaff = "GrandStaff_violins" <<
\new Staff = "Staff_violinI" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin I"
\new Staff = "Staff_violinII" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Violin II"
\new Staff = "Staff_viola" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Viola"
\new Staff = "Staff_cello" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Cello"
\new Staff = "Staff_bass" {
\set Staff.instrumentName = #"Double Bass"
\layout { }

Gregorian Chant

\include ""

chant = \relative c' {
\set Score.timing = ##f
f4 a2 \divisioMinima
g4 b a2 f2 \divisioMaior
g4( f) f( g) a2 \finalis

verba = \lyricmode {
Lo -- rem ip -- sum do -- lor sit a -- met

\score {
\new Staff <<
\new Voice = "melody" \chant
\new Lyrics = "one" \lyricsto melody \verba
\layout {
\context {
\remove "Time_signature_engraver"
\remove "Bar_engraver"
\hide Stem
\context {
\override Stem.length = #0
\context {
barAlways = ##t

Figured Bass

upper = \relative c' {
\clef treble
\key c \major
\time 4/4
\partial 8 f8

a4 b c d |
\time 2/4
e8 f g a

lower = \relative c {
\clef bass
\key c \major
\time 4/4

\partial 8 r8
a2 c |
\time 2/4

fb = \figuremode {
r8 <6>4 <4+ 2/> <6 5- >2 <7 _!>

\score {
\new PianoStaff <<
\new Staff = "upper" \upper
\new Staff = "lower" \lower
\new FiguredBass = "figures" \fb
\layout { }

A Schenker Graph

Complements of Kris Shaffer found here.

Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten seinAnalysis from Gene Biringer's Schenker Text, Ex. 5-27J.S. BachPV^2^1IPNPPINP^3
%% see

%% last improvement Feb. 2014.
%% updated by P.P.Schneider Feb. 2014.

% LSR workaround:
#(set! paper-alist (cons '("snippet" . (cons (* 190 mm) (* 100 mm))) paper-alist))
\paper {
#(set-paper-size "snippet")
indent = 0
tagline = ##f
\markup\vspace #.5

%here starts the snippet:

composer = "J.S. Bach"
title = "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein"
subtitle = "Analysis from Gene Biringer's Schenker Text, Ex. 5-27"
% "BWV641"
enteredby = "Kris Shaffer"

% See for more information

% 'Add color...' sections are not the original author's, but added
% afterwards specifically for illustration in LilyPond's Documentation.

I = \once \override NoteColumn.ignore-collision = ##t

staffPiano = \new PianoStaff {
\set Score.timing = ##f
\set PianoStaff.followVoice = ##t
\new Staff = "RH" { % Right hand
\clef treble
\key g \major
\relative c'' {
\override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t
\override Beam.positions = #'(8 . 8)
\hide NoteHead
\override NoteHead.duration-log = #1
s1 b8[^\markup
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
% Add color to markup in top staff
\column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 3 } }
s4. s1 a8^\markup
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
% Add color to markup in top staff
\column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 2 } }
s4. s2 g8]^\markup
% Add color to markup in top staff
\override #'(baseline-skip . 0.5)
\column { \with-color #red \small { ^ 1 } }
\revert Beam.positions
\undo \hide NoteHead
\revert NoteHead.duration-log
% Add color to both Dashed Slurs in top staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "purple")
\hide Stem
\once \override Slur.height-limit = #6
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(1.25 . 0)
\I b2_( s2
\once \hide NoteHead
b4) s
\once \override Slur.height-limit = #3.25
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(.75 . 0)
a2_( s4
\once \hide NoteHead
a4) g2
\undo \hide Stem
\override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t
\override Beam.positions = #'(4 . -3.25)
g8[ s s4 s2
\once \hide NoteHead
\I b8] s8
\override Beam.positions = #'(3 . -2.25)
a8[ s s4
c8] s s2 s s
% Add color to all remaining Slurs in top staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet")
\override PhrasingSlur.color = #(x11-color "violet")
\hide Stem
\override Stem.length = #0
% Add color to text markups in top staff
g4_\( fis^(_\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny N } g)\)
a^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } b2)
b4^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P }
\undo \hide Stem
\override Stem.length = #10
c8)^( s
\override Stem.length = #14
b4) s s
\override Stem.length = #0
\hide Stem
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.35)
% Add color to remaining text markup in top staff
c4^\( b_(_\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } a)\) s2
\revert Stem.length
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
\override Stem.length = #0
s1 s4 e4 s
\change Staff = "LH"
fis,4 s2
\undo \hide Stem
\undo \hide NoteHead
\revert Stem.length
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
\override Stem.length = #0
s1 s s2
fis'4 s
\change Staff = "LH"
g,4 s s2
\undo \hide Stem
\undo \hide NoteHead
\revert Stem.length
\bar "|."

\new Staff = "LH" { % Left hand
\clef bass
\key g \major
\relative c' {
\override Staff.NoteCollision.merge-differently-headed = ##t
\override Beam.positions = #'(-8 . -8)
\hide NoteHead
% Add color to long beam text markups in bottom staff
\I g8[_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold I }
s4. s1 s s2
\I d8_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold V }
\I g,8]_\markup { \with-color #(x11-color 'LawnGreen) \bold I }
\revert Beam.positions
\undo \hide NoteHead
\hide Stem
\override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-11.75 . -12.25)
\I g'2 s1 s s2 \I d2 g,2
\undo \hide Stem
% Add color to all single-note Slurs in bottom staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet")
\hide Stem
\once \hide NoteHead
\override Stem.length = #0
\once \override TextScript.padding = #0.25
% Add color to text markups in bottom staff
a4_(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } b)
fis4^(^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny P } e)
\once \hide NoteHead
\once \override Slur.height-limit = #1.5
% Add color to remaining text markup in bottom staff
c4^( d)^\markup { \with-color #blue \tiny N }
\once \hide NoteHead
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.5)
\I fis,4_(
\undo \hide Stem
\override Stem.length = #10
g4) s
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25)
\I c8_( s
\hide Stem
\revert Stem.length
\once \hide NoteHead
\I d4^( d,4) s2
% Add color to all two-note Slurs in bottom staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet")
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
\I g'4^( s b) s2
\undo \hide Stem
\undo \hide NoteHead
\override Beam.positions = #'(-4 . 1)
c,8[ s s4
fis,8] s
\override Beam.positions = #'(1 . -4)
g8[ s
b8] s
\revert Beam.positions
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
c4^( s d4) s s2
% Add color to four-note Slur in bottom staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "violet")
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
\override Stem.length = #0
\once \override Slur.height-limit = #3
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0 . 0.25)
\I g4_( s2. e4) s2. s2 s1 s2
\undo \hide Stem
\undo \hide NoteHead
% Add color to dashed Slur in bottom staff
\override Slur.color = #(x11-color "purple")
\hide Stem
\hide NoteHead
\once \override Slur.height-limit = #6.0
\once \override Slur.extra-offset = #'(0.5 . -0.25)
\override Stem.length = #0
g4_( s2. s1 g,4) s s1 s2
\undo \hide Stem
\undo \hide NoteHead
\bar "|."

\score {
\layout {
indent = 0.0
ragged-right = ##f
\context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }